Kyle Davis, Alamo Oil  

6130 Goldfinch Road, Joplin, MO  (417) 680-8061
Please call ahead for products to pick up!


AMSOIL Quickshot

Gasoline that sits in our small engines like lawn mowers, trimmers and generators present major maintenance issues. It can form insoluble debris, or varnish that can clog carburetors, fuel injectors and fuel filters. As the ethanol content in pump gasoline continues to increase over the coming years, fuel related problems are going to intensify. ;

AMSOIL Quickshot is our fuel additive that is formulated to thoroughly clean and restore peak performance in small engines, and power sports equipment. It also stabilizes fuel between uses. Quick shot is also designed to fight ethanol, water, and dirty gas. Initial clean up dose for this product is 8oz to 6 gallons of gas followed by 8oz to 12 gallons of gas for continued use. BUY Quickshot HERE (click link)

I use AMSOIL Quickshot in my backup generator because when the power goes out, I want to be assured that it will start and run efficiently
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